The first full working from home sprint due to COVID confinement

Mário Barbosa
2 min readOct 13, 2020


The past two weeks, the first full WFH sprint, were challenging times and we had to adapt and learn.

Let me share some of our challenges and learnings:

- keep an active routine — I run everyday/walk at lunch time. If you can’t leave the house make some abs or push-ups.

- keep a schedule — it’s hard to separate work and personal life when we are in the same house all day, but it’s very important to have a schedule planned to when to stop and don’t compromise it.

- for those who have dependent ones (kids, parents, grandparents) don’t keep it to yourself and trust your manager/team to help you adapt to this reality even if it means to slow down a bit a this point.

- if you use slack u’ve probably notice an increase of interactions due to the WFH. To help minimize the interruptions use slack status to communicate, example: “in a meeting, back at X” or “out for a run/lunch, back a Y”

- for those who use zoom or any other conference tool try to maintain social interaction within the team. We do a team’s virtual coffee at the end of the stand up and keep a team’s lounge for those who want to work in a simulated workspace.

- make time to explore a new/old hobby. For me: drawing and learning how to play guitar.

Hope this helps and pls feel free to share yours.

